Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 62 - August 4, 2013 - Yellowstone, WY to Butte, MT

Miles - 0

We spent most of this morning and early afternoon exploring Yellowstone on our way out of the park.  There are so many geysers, hot springs, and waterfalls that you could spend a week here and not see them all!  And because it is so beautiful and unique, it is PACKED with tourists!  

Some memorable moments - getting stuck on a narrow walkway behind the one man who has decided he needs to be shirtless, and he really, really should have made another decision...the British lady telling her kids "lets sit here and wait for the geezer" (I thought she meant waiting for their old man to catch up, she meant geyser)...the lady saying she tried to talk her son into getting into one of the rivers that the geyser runoff drains into to get a hammer that had been dropped in there, when there are signs everywhere telling you to stay on the paths because you never know where you might break through the soil and into another boiling spring or steam hole - mom of the year...

Most of my pictures are on the real camera, which I'll have to add later, but here are a couple from my phone:

We crossed into Montana today - our 7th state of the trip!  Those pictures are also on the real camera, so I leave you hanging for now...

On the way to Butte, we made a good number of jokes that fourth graders would have thoroughly enjoyed (hint: remove the e from Butte, and everything in town sounds pretty amusing - "Butt hair stylist...hahaha" get it.)

There are casinos everywhere in Butte.  It's odd.  I will go in one of these before we leave Montana.  I have to know what they are like!  And they have a giant statue on top of a mountain...a likeness of Mother Mary, but they say it is completely non-denominational and meant to represent all women.  I don't see how those things go together, but hey...

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